We are excited to recognize General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) as June’s Champion of the Month! GDIT has been part of Champions since the pilot days and continues to offer robust transit benefits. Employees at GDIT can receive a pre-tax transit benefit as defined by the IRS, use a formal telework policy, take flexible and staggered work schedules and more. All these programs help them in maintaining a competitive edge in the industry and retaining and attracting top talent.
The company is highly vested in employee health and wellness and encourages staff to use public transit, walk and bike to work. They encourage active transportation by offering secured bike parking and shower facilities to bike commuters.
In their ongoing effort to encourage more employees to bike to work, GDIT recently renewed their Capital Bikeshare corporate membership and hosted a bike commuting and safety event with Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) and BikeArlington at their Virginia Square office location. Since May was National Bike Month, it was the perfect time to host the event.
ATP and BikeArlington staff present at the event assisted interested employees with finding bike commuting routes and shared bike safety tips. Employees were also encouraged to take advantage of the Capital Bikeshare corporate membership and received information about bike classes like the Learn to Ride and Confident City Cycling classes.
Congratulations to GDIT for achieving the Gold Level recognition. Customized events like a bike event or transit event are a great way to promote health and wellness and encourage participation in your commuter benefits program. Plus, you can achieve Silver Level Champions credit. Call or contact your ATP representative to host an employee event.
Photo Credit: Reema Desai/ReemaDesai.com for Arlington Transportation Partners