Blog | Arlington Transportation Partners

Check 'Em Out - ATP Client Highlights

Written by Keara Mehlert | February 11, 2013

A couple months ago, we created a new section on our website called Client Highlights to showcase the various initiatives and benefits that our clients have implemented for their employees and residents. The first clients we highlighted, including PBS, The Nature Conservancy, The Views at Clarendon, and Siena Park, all offer various programs and incentives that have encouraged employees and residents to consider using alternative forms of transportation and reduce their automobile use.

This month, we are excited to highlight three new clients that have been proactive in their commitment to make employees and residents aware of all their transportation options. These clients provide unique incentives to encourage sustainable modes of transportation, as well as programs to improve their overall health and well-being.

Head over to Client Highlights to read about two companies that have gone the extra mile in promoting healthy lifestyles among employees, particularly in their commutes. Both International Relief and Development and SRA International have implemented several bike and walk-friendly programs to encourage active transportation, as well as seminars and other benefits that have reduced the number of employees who drive to work.

Also on Client Highlights, the recently constructed 2201 Pershing apartment complex has had to implement several creative site plan requirements to encourage alternative modes of transportation among residents, despite the lack of a nearby Metro station. Read here to learn more about the initiatives and transportation amenities at this new property!

As always, to learn how your company or property can implement some of the programs and benefits mentioned in our Client Highlights, contact ATP today for more information!