Blog | Arlington Transportation Partners

Pick a Team for Car Free Day and Every Day

Written by Keara Mehlert | September 6, 2016

Mark your calendars for September 22 and join Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) and hundreds of other DC area commuters for this year’s Car Free Day celebration. This is a great opportunity to try a non-driving mode of transportation for at least one trip during the day—whether that’s taking the bus to work, riding Capital Bikeshare to your lunch meeting, or taking UberPool or LyftLine to happy hour. Take the pledge and join your favorite team: bike, bus, walk, telework, rail, or carpool/vanpool. You can win some cool prizes and discover a new way to get around.

Today I’m highlighting my three favorite teams—bus, bike, and walk—and how these modes can work for you on Car Free Day.

Team Bus

If I’m not riding my bike or running to work, I’m almost always taking the bus for part of my commute. The bus can be a great option for people who may live or work not directly on a Metro line. It can also be faster than driving or even Metro for certain routes, such as the ART 43 or Metroway. At only $2.00, plus a $0.50 discount for bus to Metro transfers, it’s also a cheap way of getting around too.

Team Bike

My bike commute is hands down the easiest and fastest way to get to and from work—I get to avoid traffic or Metro delays and I get a workout at the same time. Incorporating biking into your commute or daily trips might not be as difficult as you think. Living less than five miles from the office is a good distance to bike to work, but you can always ride to the Metro or ride Capital Bikeshare part of the way to make it easier.

For those who may live further away, biking to transit or commuter bus/rail stations can be an easy way to get some exercise and avoid worrying about parking at park and ride lots.

If you need help with biking in Arlington County—visit our friends at BikeArlington.

Team Walk

On days when I really want to get exercise out of the way, I’ll run to work (I’ll put this in Team Walk). I know this isn’t an option for everyone, but walking can be incorporated into so many different trips—walk to Metro, walk to bikeshare, or walk to lunch. While walking isn’t always fastest, it’s an easy way to get exercise and to reduce stress levels during the day.

If you need help finding great walking routes in Arlington County, WalkArlington is a great place to start.

Need a New Commute?

If you are interested in trying a new way to commute to work, but aren't sure where to get started, connect with ATP. We specialize in custom commute plans and can help you find the best option to reach Arlington County.

Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/