Fors Marsh Group recently ended a successful six week fitness challenge to promote better habits and encourage our employees to take a break throughout the day and get active. Our GetActive! Challenge encouraged employees not only to move more throughout the day but also to get to know their co-workers across departments with some good old fashioned competition.
By the end of the challenge, participants walked an approximated total of 14,000 miles. That equals more than halfway around the Earth’s circumference!
The top three teams were able to choose a healthy prize from a list of options including fitness trackers, as well as gift cards to local healthy haunts. Here are the approximate miles walked by the top three teams:
As you can see, it was a close competition! We couldn’t have done it without the help of the Arlington Transportation Partners, who held their National Walk@Lunch Day where all our employees could participate to get more steps. We will be holding another challenge this Fall, which hopefully will be an even bigger success.
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