For the many Arlington employees who live outside of the County, driving may be the best commuting option, as public transit, biking and walking may not be the shortest or easiest way to ride to work. However, carpooling (or ridesharing) with neighbors or coworkers is a great alternative to driving alone and can be beneficial to both workers and their employers.
There are several benefits to ridesharing that can have a positive impact on your wallet, your mental health, and your work productivity. In addition, there are various initiatives that employers can implement to promote carpooling and help employees improve their commutes.
Have peace of mind with Guaranteed Ride Home. This region-wide program gives those who share the ride, walk, bike or ride transit at least twice a week up to four free rides home a year for unscheduled overtime or personal emergencies
Sold on carpooling but need some pointers on how to create a plan that works for you? Let ATP help! We can assist on everything from how to establish carpool incentives and benefit programs, to promoting it to your employees. We can share the ride on your journey to a successful ridesharing program. Pun intended.
Photo Credit: Reema Desai/ for Arlington Transportation Partners