Severe service reductions on Orange and Silver Lines begin today with SafeTrack Surge 11, directly affecting commuters in Arlington until December 21. This safety surge brings single tracking between West Falls Church and East Falls Church due to work on the lines as well as the platform, permitting use of only one platform at a time. Riders are encouraged to take alternative travel options as overcrowded platforms and trains are expected.
There will be free Metrobus shuttles available during weekday rush hour:
Biking to work is an option for you if you're looking to have a healthier lifestyle by tackling a workout while on your commute. The cold doesn't have to deter you from biking if you prepare ahead of time - see a first-hand account of biking in the cold and how you should prepare. With the evenings darker sooner, bike lights and reflectors are a must along with other safety precautions.
If you haven't joined a vanpool yet, right now is a good time to sign up. Vanpool riders can use their transit benefit of up to $255/month, as defined by the IRS, to cover costs for maintaining the vanpool.
Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/