Blog | Arlington Transportation Partners

What Do Active Commutes and Employee Retention Have in Common?

Written by Elizabeth A. Denton | October 3, 2016

No, this isn’t a joke with a funny punchline, although if we had one, we’d probably insert it here. Rather, this is an opportunity to link the benefits of active commutes to employee retention.

We’ve talked about the different ways we can help your company improve employee retention. Among the options are offering a direct transit benefit, providing secure bike racks and promoting wellness initiatives. But what exactly does that mean?

Let’s break it down.

Offer a transit benefit

Offering a transit benefit shows employees that you care about them and their well-being. By helping your employees not lose their hard-earned cash, they help you by working harder. Transit benefits are good ways for small companies or non-profits to offer employees more than just a higher salary; it’s offering them work/life balance and give their company a competitive edge.

Promote wellness initiatives

Promoting wellness initiatives is in your organization’s best interest – employees who actively commute, rather than sitting in their cars are healthier, which means lower health care costs and fewer sick days (up to 30% in some cases). ATP makes it easy to promote employee wellness – we host several initiatives such as National Walking Day, Bike to Work Day and Car Free Day.

Promote active commutes to enhance work/life balance

Biking to work, walking, or even walking to a bus stop or Metro station are all ways that employees can reduce their risks for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic illnesses that come with being inactive and overweight.

Reaching cardio goals on the way to work means fewer hours spent at the gym. That, in turn, offers more time for employees to spend with families and friends. A better work-life balance means happier employees who come to work refreshed and focused. In addition, active commutes reduce stress – if nothing else, they won’t spend the first 30 minutes at work complaining about their terrible drives to the office.

Provide secure, covered bike racks and other amenities

Providing amenities such as secured, covered bike racks and showers and lockers make it easier and more comfortable for employees to take on an active commute. Giving them space to safely stow commuting gear and clean up shows that you care about them personally. It also shows your organization values sustainable commute choices and is environmentally conscious.

Demonstrate your strong corporate social responsibility

Promoting sustainable transportation options demonstrates social responsibility. Companies now find that employees place higher value on corporate social responsibility beyond recycling cans and bottles. Companies are discovering that they are being asked to show sustainable habits during job bid processes. Being green is more than just talk – employees want to work for an organization that practices what it preaches.

The quick answer

Employees want to work for a company that provides them with financial, health, wellness and sustainable support. Offering a range of transportation related benefits and amenities adds up to positive impacts on employees, which makes them want to stay and decreases your employee turn-over rate. This is a win-win for everyone, including Arlington County. What have you got to lose? Only your employees.

For more details about implementing commuter benefits, download our full guide below. It gives insight on benefit options, how to implement tax-free benefits and next steps that ATP can assist you with.


Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/