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Webinar Recap: The Hybrid Work Model

Katie Thompson
Katie Thompson May 5, 2021 Katie was a former Business Development Manager for Arlington Transportation Partners

ATP Takeaway: Commute66 held a webinar on the hybrid work model. Discover what your company should do to prepare your policies, managers, workspaces, and employees for this work model.

In our previous blog on the hybrid work model, we explored the hybrid work model and how it is a perfect answer for executives looking to keep the office space for collaborative work while listening to their employees’ desire to remain flexible. Our recent webinar expanded on the topics and discussed what companies should do to prepare their policies, managers, and workspaces for this new work model.




Benefits for Your Company

There are numerous benefits your company and employees will experience when you commit to a hybrid work model. Your company could save approximately $11,000 a year for each employee that works 2-3 days a week. These savings come from increased productivity, reduced office costs, reduced absenteeism, increased continuity of operations, and reduced turnover. To see how much your company could save check out the Telework Savings Calculator.

Top Priorities

Starting to plan the return to the office may seem overwhelming, but here are the top priorities your company should focus on.

Company policies

To take on this new model of work, companies will most likely need to update or reconsider their policies. To prompt the necessary conversations, we have found the following questions, or a variation of them, to be helpful:

  • What is the right mix of remote work for your organization?
  • What positions are appropriate for the hybrid work model?
  • Are your recruiting strategies aligned with the updates or changes made with a new hybrid work model? Do you need to realign your recruiting strategies to focus on new or different skills and competencies for potential candidates?
  • Are your benefits, commuter programs, and pay appropriate for the employee skillset and cost of living for their specific location?
  • What is the employee preference and how can you collect this information?

Company culture

We believe that a majority of executives have the desire to keep the office in order to maintain company culture. But there are many things your managers can do to help promote your company’s culture within their team. While this is more difficult to achieve when you have a more distributed workforce, it is not impossible when team members know the norms, values, and assumptions important to your organization

To sustain and promote company culture in a virtual and hybrid environment we recommend creating opportunities for your employees to have shared experiences. This can include town halls and special lunches to build shared experiences or hold pulse check surveys to see if the company’s values are coming across to your employees.

Intentional communication about the initiatives, programs, and external agencies your company is supporting will be necessary in demonstrating your company culture via actions and social movements.

COVID-specific requirements

Currently, there is no federal requirement for businesses to reopen their workspaces to their employees. Virginia’s Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI), however, has formally released their Final Permanent Standard for Infectious Disease Prevention of the SARV-CoV-2 Virus That Causes COVID-19 (16VAC25-220), effective January 27, 2021.

Within this standard you will find a list of requirements for Virginian employers bringing their employees back into the office. Some requirements included are:

  • Trainings for employees on the hazards and characteristics of COVID-19
  • Proper assessment of your workplace for hazards and job tasks that would potentially expose employees to COVID-19
  • Development and implementations of procedures for employees to report when they are experiencing any signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19

Plan Ahead with Commute66

To learn more about what your company can do to prepare for the hybrid work model, check out the webinar below and contact Commute66 with any questions or program assistance your require.


Tags: Benefits, Commute66, Flextime, Coronavirus, Return to Work


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