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Arlington is a Gold Bicycle Friendly Community

Rachel Coppe - Associate Program Director
Rachel Coppe - Associate Program Director February 14, 2024 As an Associate Program Director, Rachel helps employers in Arlington County improve their transportation programs. She leads the employer team in offering tailored programs and building client relationships.

ATP Takeaway: The new list of Bicycle Friendly Communities has been announced and Arlington has earned Gold Level recognition! Take pride in knowing that your employees and residents are enjoying one of the most enjoyable bike-friendly communities in the country. 

Arlington County has been given a great honor by The League of American Bicyclists. Their fall 2023 awards cycle has been announced and Arlington has achieved a Gold level designation. This award is achieved after a thorough application and review process that focuses on 5 key tenets: equity and accessibility, engineering, education, encouragement, as well as evaluation and planning. 




Years in the Making

Arlington was first recognized as a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community in 2003. Four years later, the County achieved a Silver designation that it has proudly maintained for years. Since achieving Silver, Arlington has taken strides to improve bicycle infrastructure and safety as well as improving bike education. All these factors have gone into this week’s achievement and you can read more about the other awardees on The League of American Bicyclist’s website. 

Let's Reach Platinum Together!  

While supporting your employees or residents, you can also keep Arlington a bicycle friendly community and help the County reach even higher levels of recognition. .

Information is key

People biking want to know where they can go and how to arrive to their destination. ATP can provide you with free bike maps of Arlington County to distribute amongst your residents. Our partners at BikeArlington have maps that highlight some of the most popular routes and hidden gems of Arlington.

Pro tip: extra copies to keep at your office or the front desk will come in handy. 

Promote Capital Bikeshare

Taking a step like starting a Capital Bikeshare Corporate Membership is a great way to encourage biking as a commute option.  Moreover, residents in Arlington can receive a 50% discount on annual memberships through ATP. Download our Capital Bikeshare Toolkit to share more information with your residents. 

Custom events and campaigns

Help your residents discover trails, routes, and hidden gems around the county. ATP can help you design custom campaigns and events to promote biking in your community and bring your residents together. 

Gear Up and Keep Arlington Bike Friendly

Arlington Transportation Partners is ready to assist your business or property in promoting biking as commute mode, building or upgrading bike amenities at your workplace, and in applying for your own Bicycle Friendly Business designation. We are continuously striving to support Arlington County's mission to keep improving bike infrastructure and amenities for bike-users. Contact your. ATP rep for more information. 


Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/ for Arlington Transportation Partners

Tags: Bike, Capital Bikeshare, Metro, Visit Arlington, Arlington County


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