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Champion of the Month: Bloomberg Industry Group

Rachel Coppe - Associate Program Director
Rachel Coppe - Associate Program Director June 17, 2024 As an Associate Program Director, Rachel helps employers in Arlington County improve their transportation programs. She leads the employer team in offering tailored programs and building client relationships.

ATP Takeaway: I recently attended Bloomberg Industry Group’s extremely well-attended benefits fair. Their robust commuter benefits helped make it a hit.

At the end of May, I spent the day at Bloomberg Industry Group’s employee benefits fair. While there, I spoke to 126 employees about their commuting options. Many were aware of their various benefits, but just weren’t sure how to use them. Others were excited to learn that their employer supported their ability to pursue a non-driving commute.

Better Benefits = Better Engagement

A benefits fair would be nothing without the benefits its promoting; and Bloomberg Industry Group has plenty to promote. They support their employees in almost any commute they could choose to take. For employees who prefer to use the train or bus, a direct commuter benefit is at their disposal. This is an incentive that is essential for encouraging employee mode shift as presumed cost is often the biggest barrier to getting out of the car.

For more athletically inclined employees, Bloomberg offers Capital Bikeshare Memberships as well as giving access to showers and lockers. These offers are equally supportive of employees who live close to the office and those with first and last mile challenges getting to the nearest transit. Offering employees multiple options for their benefits both incentivizes their commute and creates a more equitable work environment.

Bloomberg also knows that it isn’t just offering these benefits that got employees in the door. It’s the fact that these benefits are promoted internally, and employees are encouraged to use them. These ideas go hand-in-hand and a benefits fair where 126 people are interested in how to improve their commute is a perfect example of that. They continuously show their commitment to offering their employees the best by participating in Champions since 2015.

Let ATP Help Expand Your Benefits

Bloomberg Industry Group offers some amazing benefits to their employees, but they always strive for more. As a Gold Champion, they work consistently with Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) to make sure they are offering the best possible programs to their employees. Through the Champions program, ATP assists with benefit implementation while giving recognition for the work you put in. Champions is open for enrollment through November 30, 2024 and there’s no better time to join than right now.

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Tags: Capital Bikeshare, Arlington County, ATP Services, Benefits, Champion of the Month, Champions, Commute, Employer, Transit Benefits


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