Gables Pointe 14, located in the Courthouse neighborhood, has prime access to different transportation options, and the property management is committed to providing residents with the best advice, information, and solutions to get around Arlington. The property enrolled in Arlington Transportation Partners’ (ATP) Champions program for the first time this year and reached Gold status by actively promoting transportation in multiple ways.

Sharing Transportation Information
There is no question that the first step to providing a better way of living is knowing all the options available for your residents and property employees. Gables Pointe 14 offers a welcome package for new residents that includes brochures highlighting bike trails, self-guided walking routes, and a custom piece created by ATP providing the property with a quick glance of the transit information in the area. Additionally, the property management team worked with ATP to host transportation training for the employees, so they knew more about their transportation options and building requirements.
Offering Bike Amenities
The popularity of biking has risen since March, and Arlington’s 49 miles of trails make it possible for Arlington residents and employees to safely bike. Not to mention, it is always a fun and healthy activity to do outdoors. Gables Pointe 14 provides secure and protected bike parking for the residents and a bike repair station with the necessary tools for residents to make adjustments.
Encouraging Use of Transit
New residents of Gables Pointe 14 receive a pre-loaded SmarTrip card to use on Metro, Metrobus, or ART buses. With this initiative, jumping onto transit after moving in is easier than ever, and new residents appreciate this gesture.
Invitation to Events
Gables Pointe 14 designed a unique, socially distanced fun race, where participants traveled around Arlington to resolve clues and discover new places. ATP provided a quick briefing for the event participants to ensure they knew about all of their transportation options, including Capital Bikeshare, scooters, and transit so that they could win the race.
Making an Impact on Residents' Lives
All these initiatives are part of Gables Pointe 14 efforts to increase current residents' satisfaction and bring in new prospects. If you also want to impact your residents’ satisfaction, attract new prospects, and get recognition, the Champions program is a perfect fit for your property.
Photo Credit: Gables Residential/