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How to Install EV Charging Stations at Your Property

Carlos Pazmino
Carlos Pazmino July 15, 2022 Carlos works with ATP as a Business Development Manager for multi-family Residential Properties. When he isn’t walking, you can find him underground enjoying amateur dancers on the Metro.

ATP Takeaway: More residents are opting for electric vehicles. Find out how property managers can install EV charging stations at their buildings and upgrade their parking amenities.

Higher gas prices are driving residents in Arlington to reconsider their commutes as well as their mode of transportation. While public transit and active transportation are the cheapest options, many of your residents are opting to purchase more fuel-efficient vehicles, especially electric cars.




However, there are a few challenges for Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership, mainly range and access to convenient EV charging stations and parking spaces. As a property manager you could be part of the solution . If your community is interested in setting up electric vehicle parking spots, our EV guide will help you learn more about the process, how it compliments your site plan requirements, and connects you with local vendors that can help you with installation.

It's an Easy Process

As residents have diversified the ways they commute to the workplace, your property should too. Follow these five easy steps and you will be both in compliance with the County site plan requirements and meeting the growing demand for EV amenities:

  • Step 1: Work with a licensed electrician and Dominion Energy to ensure your energy output
  • Step 2: Make sure your site is following your site plan guidelines, ADA guidelines, and your Parking Management Plan
  • Step 3: Obtain Permits
  • Step 4: Contact vendors and possible grant providers
  • Step 5: Install equipment, EV signage, and a charge rate based on $/KWh

Upgrade Your Parking Offerings with ATP

Work with Arlington Transportation Partners to discover ways to upgrade your parking amenities and solve parking challenges at your building.  With more residents opting for different modes of transportation, your building might have more spots for carpools or vanpools. If you want to develop a transportation program for residents who do not want to own a vehicle, creating a ZipCar space or a WhipEV space could be a viable alternative. Contact your ATP rep today to learn about all your options. 


Photo Credit: Reema Desai/ for Arlington Transportation Partners

Tags: Carshare, Arlington County, Residential, Rideshare, Parking Solutions


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