As part of WMATA’s Platform Improvement Project, the Vienna, Dunn Loring, and both East and West Falls Church Metro Stations, as well as all Silver Line service will be closed from May 23 through September 7. West Falls Church Metro Station will remain open as both Silver and Orange Line trains can pass through the closed stations but will not stop at them. We take a look at how your business can avoid any disruption to your employees’ daily commutes.

Starting June 28th, Greensboro, Mclean, and East Falls Church stations will reopen for shuttle bus service, while rail improvements continue. Furthermore, WMATA reports that rail service at West Falls Church station as well as all Silver Line service will reopen August 16th, three weeks before originally planned. We take a look at how your business can avoid any disruption to your employees’ daily commutes.
Give Your Employees More Options
Many employees will need to find alternative transportation methods to travel to work, and that’s where Commute66 can assist you:
Set up telework
Teleworking is a great option to offer to those employees who rely on Metrorail for their daily commute. Your employees may even be more productive when teleworking and reducing the time spent commuting. Check out our resources, whether you’re looking to start a new telework policy at your business, or just looking to manage your current one more efficiently.
Form new vanpools and carpools
Dynamic tolling on I-66 can make this Metro shutdown seem even more disruptive. However, there are easy ways to avoid paying the tolls along I-66. HOV2+ vehicles, as long as they have an E-Z Pass Flex installed, can use the I-66 Express Lanes for free during toll hours. Commute66 can help you encourage employees to join a vanpool and we can look for vans that match their schedules.
Discover more transit and rail options
WMATA is planning additional Orange Line service from Ballston heading east to Rosslyn to accommodate more riders. The service will run every 10-15 minutes.
Plans to increase the amount of shuttle buses from Fairfax and Prince William Counties are also under way. These shuttles would connect to Metro stations that will offer shuttle service to Ballston station.
The Fairfax Connector and OmniRide buses also provide commuters from Reston and Loudoun with an option. OmniRide connects commuters from Prince William County to their workplaces in Northern Virginia, helping them to avoid SOV traffic. The Fairfax Connector is a similar bus serving those in Fairfax County.
Get Your Staff Ready
Keep business running as usual and make sure your business’ commute programs are designed for your employees. Begin planning as early as possible to stay ahead of the game and avoid any loss of productivity over the summer. As we’ve recently learned, disruption can happen any time, it will pay off to be prepared. You can sign up for the Commute66 webinar to help plan for the upcoming changes.
Editor's Note: This blog was updated on July 14, 2020 with new information written by Tai Mooney.
Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/ for Arlington Transportation Partners