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Congratulations Champions 2018-2019

Elizabeth A. Denton
Elizabeth A. Denton May 24, 2019 Elizabeth A. Denton is a former Business Development Manager at Arlington Transportation Partners.
ATP Takeaway: The school year might be ending but it's never too soon to think ahead to the fall. Lean what it takes to become a Champion.

Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) recently recognized the 17 Arlington Public Schools and programs that participated in Champions during the 2018-2019 school year.




Celebrate Champions

The 17 schools and program in Champions demonstrated a commitment to staff transportation options and have increased participation through exemplary outreach and staff engagement. The Champions shared transportation information with staff, hosted ATP at staff meetings, supported staff in active transportation events, arranged active commute amenities, installed priority carpool parking, and overall reduced the number of staff who drive alone to school every day. Their participation affirms that APS values sustainable, healthy transportation options to make it easier to work, live, and learn in Arlington County.

Platinum Level Champions

For the first time, three schools achieved Platinum Level this year, the highest level in Champions. Oakridge Elementary School—Platinum Champion four years in a row—was joined by Arlington Community High School and Discovery Elementary School.

Throughout the year, these schools conducted staff commute surveys, successfully referred new schools to Champions, achieved the APSGo! goal of reducing the rate of staff driving alone to school to 75%, provided priority carpool parking, and much more. We applaud their dedication and look forward to continued success in the coming years.

Join Champions in 2019-2020

This school year might be winding down, but the 2019-2020 school year is not far away. Plan now to join Champions before school starts. Re-enroll, or join for the first time, in August to welcome staff to a new year in a great way.


Photo Credit: Reema Desai/ for Arlington Transportation Partners

Tags: Bike, Carpool, Champions, Schools


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