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Everyone Wins in a Multimodal Madness Challenge

Elizabeth A. Denton
Elizabeth A. Denton April 11, 2019 Elizabeth A. Denton is a former Business Development Manager at Arlington Transportation Partners.
ATP Takeaway: Arlington Transportation Partners' first Multimodal Madness Challenge was a success. Together, participants made an impact on health, traffic congestion, and sustainability in Arlington County

Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) recently hosted its first Multimodal Madness Challenge for Arlington Public Schools (APS) employees. The week-long challenge encouraged those who bike, walk, carpool, or use transit to track their daily commutes. It also provided a healthy dose of competition among APS colleagues.

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Win-Win with Multimodal Commutes

The staff at Yorktown High School grabbed first place with the highest number of participants and 76 recorded trips. Barrett Elementary School finished second, with Oakridge Elementary, Discovery Elementary, and Carlin Springs Elementary also participating in the challenge.

Everyone is a winner though as the participants collectively helped reduce CO2 emissions, burn a ton of calories, and save money.

Winning in numbers

  • 447 total miles traveled—that's almost all the way to Boston, MA
  • 348 lbs of CO2 emissions saved—about the same weigh as a male reindeer
  • 21,000 total calories burned—that's a lot of pizza and chocolate
  • $237 total saved in commute costs—that's 80 tall caffe lattes from Starbucks

Congrats to everyone who took part in the challenge. You've earned your bragging rights!

Keep the Momentum Going

Bike/Walk to School Day is on May 8. It's the perfect occasion to carry the excitement from the Multimodal Madness Challenge into the summer. With warmer temperatures and longer days, you can practice your bike commute to be ready for the big day. Sign up today to be eligible from some fun swag.


Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/ for Arlington Transportation Partners

Tags: Carpool, Metro, Walking, Health, Schools, Transit, Bike To School Day


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