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Red Line Segment Shutdowns with Surge 10 to Affect All Riders

Christy Lee
Christy Lee October 28, 2016 Christy Lee is a former Marketing Manager at Destination Sales & Marketing Group.
ATP Takeaway: You may experience residual delays due to this surge even if you don’t take Red Line. Arm yourself with all the details and options so your commute is as smooth as possible.

We’re already moving on to Surge 10 of WMATA’s SafeTrack, which starts on October 29 and lasts until November 22. The surge directly impacts Red Line commuters between Fort Totten and NoMa-Gallaudet U, where there will be a full line segment shutdown between the two stations as a result of the repairs.


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This means residual delays and crowded platforms throughout Red Line, not only because of the segment shutdown, but because of the reduced service at each station along the line. Fort Totten Station will still be open, so passengers have the option of using the Yellow and Green Lines there as an alternative route. Free shuttle bus service will be available in between the segment shutdown areas.

Passengers commuting to or around Arlington may also face slower service and station congestion as the effects of the work on Red Line feathers out into the other lines. Did you know the stresses of your commute can affect you for the rest of the day? Now’s the best time to try out different commute options and avoid the crowds.

Your Commute Options

Active Transportation

If the high temperatures of the past summer were putting you off from biking to work, now is the perfect season to try without worrying about breaking a sweat. Being new to biking shouldn’t keep you from trying – refer to our five tips to start biking this week and prepare ahead of time for Surge 10.

Employers should take advantage of offering corporate memberships for Capital Bikeshare and take it as an opportunity to boost your employee’s health and wellness programs.   

Vanpool Connect


Vanpooling is a great way to ride out the rest of the SafeTrack surges (and beyond). Vanpools can receive the transit benefit of up to $255/month, as defined by the IRS. If you live or work in Arlington, join a vanpool and receive a $50/month credit for the first six months as a new vanpool rider through our Vanpool Connect program. If you don’t mind a bit of adventure in your commute, you can try out other ridesharing options like slugging as well.

Click to download deals for CoworkCafe and Capital BikeshareCowork or telework

Coworking and teleworking is a great way to avoid commute frustrations and be more focused on your tasks. Coworking spaces are designated public office facilities where people gather to work individually. It’s a leap up from working in a noisy coffee shop, as you have the option for private phone booths and conference rooms, and your employer doesn’t have to provide all the equipment or amenities. Incorporate telework one to two days a week to ease the pain of disruptions to Metro. Learn more about coworking and teleworking and don’t miss out on our exclusive deals on CoworkCafe.


Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/

Tags: Bike, Vanpool Connect, Commute, SafeTrack, Telework


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