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5 Ways to Reduce Your Organization's Footprint

Keara Mehlert
Keara Mehlert April 22, 2016 Keara Mehlert is a former Property & Development Services Program Director at Arlington Transportation Partners.
ATP TAKEAWAY: Is your company or property doing its part in being environmentally friendly? Look at these options for reducing emissions, traffic and making Arlington County a better place for everyone.

The environment is one of the primary reasons why Arlington Transportation Partners (ATP) works to implement transportation programs with employers, multi-family residential properties, commercial buildings, and schools in Arlington County. 

Transportation, specifically passenger vehicles, is one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States as well as numerous other pollutants, resulting in poor air quality and significant health problems for local communities.

We've already covered how you can celebrate Earth Day, every day. Now, here are five ways your company or property can reduce its environmental footprint through transportation programs and benefits. Help make Arlington a better, more environmentally friendly place to work, live, and visit.

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1. Charge a Parking Fee

There is no such thing as free parking and by passing the cost on to your employees or building users, it will make them think twice before driving to work. A parking fee can encourage commuters to consider other modes of transportation that might save them money, such as transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking.

2. Provide a Transit Benefit

Offering a financial incentive to employees to take Metro, buses, vanpool, and other transit options is a great way to reduce the number of employees driving to work. Transit benefits are often most successful when a parking fee is implemented.

3. Implement a Telework Program

What’s one way to reduce single occupancy vehicles traveling to your office? Eliminate the commute altogether by allowing employees to work remotely from home or a coworking space closer to where they live.

4. Provide Showers and Lockers in the Building

For employees, one of the biggest barriers to biking to work is the lack of showers and places to change before the work day. By providing these facilities in your office suite or building, employees would be more inclined to try biking to work, which emits zero emissions and is the most sustainable form of transportation besides walking.

5. Offer Discounted Parking Fees and Reserved Spaces

Offering discounted or free parking rates for those that carpool or vanpool to work can reduce the number of employees driving alone. Providing designated spaces near the entrance for these vehicles can also make the program more visible to other drivers and further incentivize employees to consider ridesharing.

Want to implement some of these green options but don't know where to start? Contact us and we'll help you implement them at your company or property.

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Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/ for Arlington Transportation Partners

Tags: Bike, Carpool, Vanpool, Arlington County, Benefits, Earth Day, Telework


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