The Arlington County Board in September unanimously adopted an updated Community Energy Plan (CEP) that included a goal of moving more people in Arlington all the while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This is a goal we can get behind!
In 2016, 24% of Arlington’s greenhouse gas emissions came from transportation within the County, and an additional 12% from traffic passing through the County. That’s the second highest amount, behind commercial buildings at 35%. Changing your commute habit can help lower these numbers to sustainable levels.

Connect Transportation with Sustainability
The work we do here at Arlington Transportation Partners to promote walking, biking, carpooling, vanpooling, transit use, telework, and shared mobility devices leads to a reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG). While all these options lead to reduced traffic congestion, making your travels less stressful, they also produce fewer GHG.
Whether you are an employer, a property manager, or a developer, you can help Arlington achieve its goals on time or sooner by promoting the range of transportation alternatives available throughout the County.
Encourage active transportation
Walking and biking are the most energy efficient, least GHG-producing ways of getting around town. Employers can offer secure bike storage, showers, and lockers for active commuters, provide education and encouragement, and think about offering a financial incentive for employees who walk, bike, or run to work.
On an individual level, you can shake up your routine—leave the car parked if your trip is short, walk to lunch, bike to the grocery store, or take Capital Bikeshare to the post office.
Include transportation in emergency preparedness plans
Emergencies come in all forms, from personal to weather-related. Encourage employees to have at least one back up plan that doesn’t involve their personal vehicle. Participate in the Disaster Relief Trials next year. Ensure that employees have telework or remote work site options in case the weather prevents people from coming to the office.
Share the ride to lessen the load
Carpooling and vanpooling are excellent ways to reduce the amount of GHGs. These are great options for employees who live too far to walk or bike and aren’t on transit routes. ATP can help you discover your carpooling and vanpooling options.
Take Transit
Want to get to know Arlington better? Explore the county on an ART bus. Those green buses run on clean natural gas, making them clean green transit machines. But Metrorail and Metrobuses all help the region with reducing its greenhouse gas emissions because they move more people in one trip than any car can.
Commit to the Community
While the County explores the best ways to move more people with fewer greenhouse gas emissions, you can encourage sustainable transportation to your tenants, employees, and residents through the Champions program. ATP can help you choose what best supports your community. Contact us today to request more information.
Photo Credit: Sam Kittner/ for Arlington Transportation Partners